Get started

                        API Endpoint


Welcome to the Payxspace API! Our API can let you access to Payxspace API endpoint to sending bill to your customer in order to make payment.

The Payxspace API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

To use this API, you need an API key. Please contact us at [email protected] to get your own API key.

create a bill

                            # Here is a curl example
                            curl \
                            -X POST \
                            -F 'secret_key=your_api_key' \
                            -F 'customer_name=P0001' \
                            -F 'amount=100' \
                            -F 'return_url=your_return_url' \
                            -F 'callback_url=your_callback_url' \
                            -F 'phone_number=0123456789' \
                            -F 'remark=Payxspace testing API' \

To create a bill you need to make a POST call to the following url :

                            Result example :

                            result: [
                                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                                    "message": "bill created successful."
                                    "transaction_id": "1000000"
                                    "customer_name": "P0001",
                                    "phone_number": "0123456789",
                                    "payment_amount": "100.00",
                                    "payment_date": "2021-09-29 14:46:23",
                                    "type": "STATIC",
                                    "payment_link": "",


Field Type Description
secret_key String Your API key.
customer_name String Your customer name. This customer name have to send by merchant side and pass to us. It's use to recognize which transaction from which customer.
amount Double(10,2) Your transaction amount.
return_url String Return url is bring the customer to which merchant page when customer done make transaction.
callback_url String Callback url is to let merchant know the status of transaction.
type Enum(DYNAMIC, STATIC) Type is to identify customer can be self change the payment amount or not. STATIC will be pre-set by merchant and customer can't able to change the bill amount after created bill, otherwise customer will able to change the amount.
phone_number String (Optional) Enter the customer's phone number here.
remark String (Optional) You can put your remark here.


Field Type Description
status String This is the status for the API call, mostly will have Y or N
message String Here will print out the error or success message when you call the API.
transaction_id String This transaction id is to define the bill number.
payment_link String This is payment link that you have to redirect customer go to.

check a bill

                            # Here is a curl example
                            curl \
                            -X POST \
                            -F 'transaction_id=1000000' \
                            -F 'secret_key=your_api_key' \

To check a bill you need to make a POST call to the following url :

                            Result example :

                            result: [
                                    "status": "SUCCESS",
                                    "transaction_id": "1000000",
                                    "payment_amount": "100.00",
                                    "payment_date": "2021-09-29 14:46:23",
                                    "customer_name": "P0001",
                                    "state": "PENDING"


Field Type Description
transaction_id String Your transaction id.
secret_key String your api key.


Field Type Description
state ENUM(PENDING, SUCCESS, DELETED) This is the status for bill.

check bank

                            # Here is a curl example
                            curl \
                            -X POST \
                            -F 'secret_key=your_api_key' \

To update bank you need to make a POST call to the following url :

                            Result example :
                            result: [
                                  "banks": [
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Maybank2u"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "CIMB Clicks"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "RHB Now"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Pbe"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "HLB Connect"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Affin Online"
                                        "active": "Active"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Alliance Online"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Am Online"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "Bank Islam Internet Banking"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "i-Muamalat"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "i-Rakyat"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "myBSN"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "HSBC Online Banking"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "KFH Online"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "OCBC Online Banking"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "SC Online Banking"
                                        "active": "Active",
                                        "name": "UOB Internet Banking"
                                "status": "SUCCESS",
                                "message": "Fpx bank status"


Field Type Description
secret_key String Your API key.


Field Type Description
banks String The status for various banks.